FAQ Page Design: How To Get It Right

Emily Randolph
written by
Emily Randolph
last updated
February 01, 2021
FAQ Page Design: How To Get It Right

According to a study on first impressions, 38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content or layout is unattractive. Believe it or not, FAQ pages often drive the customer away.

It needs to not only provide a full list of questions and answers for the customer to evaluate, but also needs to be organized and have an aesthetically pleasing FAQ page design. 

To get the most out of your FAQ page, you’ll need to pay attention to design. It may seem trivial—making something look good doesn’t seem as important as making sure the content is right—but the design is just as important as the content you are pushing.

Creating an FAQ page with a pleasing design can:

Design is more than just the way your page looks. There are many aspects of design; each piece of content on the page has an important role. To get started, try some of these tips to create or improve your FAQ page.

  1. Be concise
  2. Keep it updated
  3. Include a search box
  4. Don’t bury the link
  5. Use categories
  6. Provide Visuals
  7. Data & analytics

Creating questions and answers that are short and to the point looks good on the page and is helpful for customers. If you create long-winded pieces of content, your customers will not want to go through it to find what they need. 

Try sticking with the need-to-knows. If there is more to the answer but that content isn’t an immediate need, link to another page with more information.

If your design looks outdated, they will think your content is too. Don’t get me wrong, your content needs to stay updated as well. You need to constantly update questions and answers.

A search box helps with customer flow and allows things to be found quickly and easily. With a search box, customers are less overwhelmed by the content.

They can still find things on their own and are less likely to leave the page frustrated. Just like with anything else on this list, the search box helps to eliminate unwanted stress and makes the page look better overall.

This is one big reason that a knowledge base software like ChipBot is so helpful.

You want to make sure the page can be found easily. If the link is buried in the footer, it may not even be found at all.


  • adding it to the main navigation menu
  • linking from multiple pages
  • creating specific URLs

The page needs to be readable. If you just splatter nonsense all over the page your customers won’t comb through it, let alone read it.

Separating your questions into categories makes everything easier for both you and your customers. 

Even the order of the categories is important, especially if there are a lot. You can choose to put the most important or most searched questions and categories at the top of the page so they are easy to find.

Providing visuals with the answers to your FAQs can often help solve a user’s question better than the answer itself. It also adds to the design aspect in that it is visually pleasing.

Don’t just add random photos to make it look pretty, though. Make sure the images actually have an impact on the customer. 

Visuals also help to break up the content so it is easier to read through, which is also important to the layout and conciseness of the page. 

FAQs are useless if they are not driven by data. The number one mistake business owners make is in making up their own FAQs.

With a knowledge base software or plugin, like ChipBot, the analytics are taken care of for you. You can customize everything and it alerts you when new questions need answers. New answers can then be stored back into ChipBot for future users.

There are many tools and resources that you can use to get started, and whether you are starting fresh or just need some updates to your current page these few things will make it easier.

Creating your own FAQ page that is effective is hard to do, so make sure to take everything into account to make it as easy as possible. 

Templates and plugins can be helpful in creating your design because the design in most cases is already taken care of.

Using a template or plugin can save you time, allowing you to download or copy the example and fill in your own information. Some templates to get you started can be found on this page

If you’re using WordPress, there are many affordable plugins that can maximize customer support. The best part is, it minimizes a lot of the work you’ll have to do on design.

In the creation of your page, you will need to first find all of the content that will make up the page. Keeping the tips above in mind, your first step is just to create. 

  • Find your most frequently asked questions – finding the questions is the first step, and is the biggest part when it comes to content.
  • Write clear answers – your answers should be clear and concise, answering the question with no extra fluff.
  • Find visuals – find visuals like infographics to add value.
  • Organize – once you have all your content, the final step is to organize it as you see fit.

Whether or not you use a template, the above tips and these creation steps are the baseline for your FAQ page.

You want to make sure customers can easily find the answers to their questions all on their own, so creating is a very important step.

Testing and validating your questions to make sure they perform is one of the most important aspects of building and maintaining your FAQ page.

To validate, you can check competitors’ FAQ pages, emails, support tickets, and comments. Without validation, you can’t be sure your questions will perform.

Double-check everything, you’ve got this.

to your website.

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