You Need the Right Tools to Get the Best User Feedback

Matt Lo
written by
Matt Lo
last updated
February 01, 2021
You Need the Right Tools to Get the Best User Feedback

Feedback is a form of customer service that allows users to voice their opinions and feel heard and valued by your company. Not only does this keep customers on your page longer, but it also creates a greater traffic potential. 

If you create a Facebook ad, you’ll want to know why only 2 users clicked it. User feedback can give you the insight you need to change your ads and get more clicks.

That being said, the user feedback tools you use have a large bearing on whether or not your customers give feedback.

Good feedback comes from automation that is easy for the user and convenient enough to collect data without effort. The three methods below are quick and easy ways to start collecting feedback for your website. 

FAQ software can be a great way to answer user questions and guide the conversation toward feedback. It gives users the reassurance that they’re not alone and you genuinely want to help them. With that reassurance, they are more likely to voice their concerns and give honest feedback.

Feedback buttons can be implanted into your FAQ page and appear across the global header of your website or inline. And because it is interactive, customers can easily leave feedback when they are ready.

Recommendation: ChipBot is a knowledge base bot for your website. It works as a FAQ software, allowing you to add questions and answers that your users are looking for. It also has the ability to collect and NPS score using emojis and can replace live chat.

NPS is a measurement tool that provides the easiest way for your users to give feedback. It facilitates the collection of feedback for high volume responses. You can ask them to rank their experience numerically or emotively; one of the best ways is to use emojis instead of numbers. That way, users can see an emoji that reflects the way they feel instead of having to convert their feelings into numbers.

Another way to use this method is with a floating sentiment score. This is a small user interface prompting the user to choose a number or emoji. The emoji helps to improve data collection because, as mentioned above, it is easier for users to find their current emotions. 

Recommendation: Hotjar allows you to give your visitors an easy way to leave instant visual feedback on your website. You can see what people love and hate, identify issues, and find opportunities for growth.

The one thing that helps on Google Analytics, aside from all of the other complicated features, is Bounce Rate on Entry Pages. If people are leaving really quickly, it can indicate that your incoming traffic is the wrong audience for the website. 

The three tools above help you detect if there is a disconnect between you and the audience, and the entry bounce-rates help detect if there is a disconnect between you and your acquisition efforts. 

Before measuring user feedback, make sure you have a healthy bounce rate to ensure that the users providing feedback are the right kind of users for you. 

Live chat is the most popular form of collecting feedback because it is easy for the customer to type exactly what they want in the chat. However, it is more time consuming and costly because users also expect 24/7 support. 

User feedback appears as a floating bot icon. The small widget in the bottom right corner of the website has become the universal standard for live chat. 

Recommendation: is a free live chat service that allows you to monitor and chat with the visitors on your website or from a free customizable page. You can have unlimited agents, reporting, integrations, ticketing, file transfer, and more.

You should care about your user feedback because, without it, you won’t know what your customers want. Therefore, your customers will no longer be your customers. Business is important here; your customers keep your business going, so you need to give them a reason to keep coming back. 

72% of customers will share a positive experience with 6 people or more.

The ability to listen, respond, and collect feedback is the backbone of your customer experience. Above all, your users care. They want to know that you are doing what you can to make their experience a good one. 

But it doesn’t just benefit customers, user feedback benefits you by:

  • Improving customer retention
  • Helping you understand your customers
  • Allowing you to benchmark and get better
  • Building customer loyalty and reducing churn
  • Getting more referrals and building your reputation
  • Helping you make data-driven decisions

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Matt Lo
Matt Lo

Matt is a Houston-based entrepreneur with over a decade of experience building highly scalable web-based technology solutions. Knowledgeable in 12 different programming languages and experienced startup veteran; having worked on 6 others. He's currently the founder and CEO of ChipBot. You can reach Matt on Twitter, LinkedIn, or StackOverflow.

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