Update #37 – Unified Experiences, ChipBot Direct, & Other Enhancements

Matt Lo
written by
Matt Lo
last updated
August 16, 2023
Update #37 – Unified Experiences, ChipBot Direct, & Other Enhancements

Heatwave’s scorching breath, Sizzling updates ignite, Innovation’s dance.

A lot is going on at ChipBot during this extremely hot heat wave. Here’s a quick overview:

🏋️‍♀️ Unified ChipBot features
🚀 Launched ChipBot Direct
🤯 Added a new TikTok-like video grid
😎 Deployed many enhancements and fixes

Before you read the update, I have a plug 🔌.

A friend of ChipBot is out on the market. His name is Steve, and he’s a high-quality, independent software developer. He builds “accessible & performant websites that enhance your brand and streamline your processes.” I worked with him in the past, he’s good. If you have a challenging project, you can reach Steve here: https://stevenwoodson.com/project-inquiry/

If you end up working with him, tell him he owes me a steak dinner for two 🥩.

“Pylon” came from a pattern initially started by “Nexus.” They were named uniquely to help get new traction with new audiences but, more importantly, to test the viability of each feature.

Now after about two years since the launch of our video feature. Combined with the maturity of our knowledge base feature, we are retiring these distinct service names in favor of names that are easier to understand under the umbrella of ChipBot.

We renamed the features to be:

  • Pylons 👉 Videos
  • Nexus 👉 Search
  • … Chat 👉 Chat

As we continue the growth wave of users, we are double downing our effort to ensure ChipBot is the best sales and support tool in the market. Here’s another way to think about these three features:

  1. Engage Visitors with Video
  2. Close Sales with Chat
  3. Support Customers with Search

We think it fits nicely. What do you think?

All ChipBot features will now mirror on our new ChipBot navigation.

Not everyone needs to all 3 solutions we offer. So if you want to turn off a feature, you can click the “On” button which will toggle it to “Off”.

Help Desks are so 2010s. Direct Help is the future (and we bought the domain: direct.help).

We created a way to get ChipBot out of your website and hit more… directly.

Introducing ChipBot Direct. ✨ You can use it to link on social media, emails, text messages, and QR codes. Anything you can add a link to, you can leverage ChipBot Direct.

Here’s a live demo of our own ChipBot Direct: https://direct.help/@getchipbot

It’s pretty new and we’re looking for feedback, so please let us know what you think of it.

To try ChipBot Direct, login to your dashboard and hit the Direct button the left.

Video is eating the world. We are contributing to the gluttony.

When you enable a video to show on the grid, you can make it behave pretty much like TikTok or Instagram Reels now. Except now you can curated the experience, change the order, and add call to action buttons on key videos. Use the arrow keys within the video to carousel through videos.

It’s performant and does not impact the page speed of your site.

Live demo from one of our customers: https://hellodame.london/ (Open ChipBot, go to Videos, click a video).

Nobody wants to visit a website and be greeted with 10,000 popups. With ChipBot, you can streamline your engagement by showing videos with an email capture form built it.

Now you can preload an email capture form within a video to help streamline your engagement with customers.

Record pitch, upload it to ChipBot, and get more email captures than you would with a generic popup.

You can now open live chat with a simple HTML class name like this:

Add this on the footer of your website, within a landing page, or in your website dropdown navigation.

See https://getchipbot.com/api-docs#section-26-client-api for more API references.

Another nifty feature is you can leverage ChipBot’s technology to include a ChipBot video as your hero, embed withn your design.

  • All accounts must now validate their email to access certain features. This is to ensure ChipBot administrators are real and validated.
  • Changed the knowledge base label from “Answers” to “Search.” This mirrors our features and is more familiar to end users. If you are a non-English customer, you may want to update your Translations page to incorporate the word “Search” if it’s not already there.
  • Videos in the dashboard will now always use the “compact mode.”
  • ChipBot header now supports adding your logo and company name.
  • The theme page now contains the features to update the ChipBot header.
  • Fixed an issue where ChipBot would score negatively on Google Lighthouse due to a bug on returning a GIF vs MP4 in in-app situations where the video is disabled (like the Lighthouse test runner).
  • Fixed an issue where ChipBot would not always automatically play due to high latency.
  • Fixed an issue where the repeating background of ChipBot would get cut off if the content was shorter than the height of ChipBot.
  • Fixed an issue where the close button would reanimate the “open effect” whenever a user navigated across certain features.
  • Fixed an issue where updating the contact thank you page form would not save if the mobile option were interacted with.
  • Added new Zapier action for automatically setting the status of a trial user.
  • Fixed an issue where the password reset email still contained ChipBot-branded content.
  • Fixed an issue where some dashboard pages contained the word “ChipBot” in the page’s <title /> tag.
  • Android App is in beta. We’ve had it in beta for a while and are seeking more testers. Reach out over live chat if you’re interested in becoming a tester. We have the APK file ready for internal distribution.
  • White Label Starter Kit. So you want to create a SaaS using ChipBot as the product, but don’t wanna do the marketing setup or support? Well, we have something for you! Talk to us over live chat and we’ll share the details.

Please share if you liked the article!

Matt Lo
Matt Lo

Matt is a Houston-based entrepreneur with over a decade of experience building highly scalable web-based technology solutions. Knowledgeable in 12 different programming languages and experienced startup veteran; having worked on 6 others. He's currently the founder and CEO of ChipBot. You can reach Matt on Twitter, LinkedIn, or StackOverflow.


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