API Docs
General usage

Video functions

Show Video Icon

This will show a specific video icon, regardless of the rules configured on the video.


Show ChipBot Icon

This will hide the video icon.


Get all Videos


Render video grid

This is similar to ChipBot’s primary built-in video grid but can render inline on a page. It brings some basic styles, but you must style it using CSS.


Render video icon

This renders a video icon inline on a page. Clicking it will open ChipBot normally as if the video icon were on the bottom corner of the website.

chipBotApi.renderVideoIcon(document.querySelector('.my-class-name'), {videoExpId: '{videoExpId}'});

Render embed video (full-size video)

This renders the full-size video of ChipBot inline on a page.

chipBotApi.renderEmbedVideo(document.querySelector('.my-class-name'), {videoExpId: 'videoexp_ID'});

HTML: Render video grid

It is the same as the JavaScript function but can also be called via HTML.

<div class="chipbot-render-video-grid"></div>


  • data-border-color: Specifies a border color for each video
  • data-center: When set to true, all videos will be centered
  • data-size: Choose between small, medium, and large
  • style: Apply CSS to the component and sub-components

HTML: Render video embed (full-size video)

It is the same as the JavaScript function but can also be called via HTML.

<div class="chipbot-render-embed-video" data-video-exp-id="{videoExpId}"></div>


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