API Docs
General usage

Update Sub Account

Updates customer details related to their account. For white label users only.

Useful to perform the following actions:

  • Changing a customer’s status (trial, active, delinquent, or inactive)
  • Changing a customer’s delinquency message

Authorization type: Account

Request Example

curl -X "PATCH" "https://getchipbot.com/api/v3/connect/accounts/{accountId}/sub-accounts/{subAccountId}" \
     -H 'Authorization: {token}'
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
     -d $'{
  "status": "active",
  "billing.plan.id": "",
  "billing.plan.url": "",
  "billing.delinquency.message": ""

Payload Options

  • status – Change the status of the customer. Allowed values: active, trial, deactivated, and delinquent
  • billing.plan.id – Store a custom identifier value related to the customers plan
  • billing.plan.url – Store a custom URL, related to the customers
  • billing.delinquency.message – Send the user a specific delinquency message through their dashboard. When you want to hide it, set this as an empty string.

Delinquency Status Example


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